Inspiring hope through profound generosity and relationships built on unconditional love.

The city of Huntsville, Alabama, has seen incredible growth over the past few years. We are estimated to be the largest city in Alabama in the next decade. In spite of this growth, thousands of residents find themselves in a gap, stuck without access or advocate to help in their time of need. Only through relationships can we know our neighbors of promise, fill the gaps, meet their needs, and truly rise together as a community of hope.

You may have seen our card and thought - “What about me? What can I do?” We believe everyone has a place in building unconditional relationships with their neighbors to see them find HOPE again and eradicate despair in communities of poverty. Do you want to SERVE? Come and see!
Serve generously.
Our 100% commitment is built on donors who give without expecting a return to help those who have lost hope in giving to discover the joy of generosity restored.
Thanks to the profound generosity of private donors, we can use all public donations marked for the 100% fund and our applications for grant funds to go directly to serving our communities of poverty throughout Huntsville, Alabama. If you are interested in being a part of the generous givers who support our amazing team & family of volunteers’ operational expenses, please give to the area of greatest need, or the general fund when making a donation.